Think Homeopathy

Homeopathy Consultant in Sussex

A wealth of homeopathic knowledge is contained in the Repertory and Materia Medica
A wealth of homeopathic knowledge is contained in the Repertory and Materia Medica

Improve your well-being

Homeopathy offers a non-toxic, natural approach for a wide range of the most modern-day acutes (fevers, flu, sore throats, stomach bugs etc) and long-standing complaints and can benefit people of all ages. It can also be used alongside conventional treatment. The list of symptoms homeopathy can help with is extensive - so please feel free to contact me prior to making an appointment. 

In my clinic I have seen patients with a wide range of issues - mental, emotional and physical.
Examples include:

  • Anxiety, panic attacks, grief, depression
  • Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, irritable bowel, acid reflux
  • Hayfever and other allergies
  • Skin problems - eczema
  • Recurrent chest infections, tonsillitis and other lung issues
  • Menstual problems, menopause and other women's health issues
  • Thyroid complaints 
  • Bladder concerns including cystitis
  • Headaches, migraines, vertigo
  • Broken bones, strains, sprains, injuries

The remedy chosen by the practitioner is determined individually for each person in their specific situation; it is therefore not possible to say that a particular condition will always respond to a specific remedy. 

As homeopathy stimulates your own self healing and balancing system, this alternative medicine also has the ability to support you, the patient, to feel better in yourself, enabling you to make positive changes in your day to day life as a result of improved well-being. 

Holistic approach

The main principle of homeopathy is that 'like cures like' - 'similia similibus curentur'. 

For example, if you chop up onions your eyes might sting, water and your nose run. In Homeopathy, we have a remedy called Allium Cepa - it is made from a micro dose of onion in a diluted amount to treat people suffering from the well-known symptoms that onions can cause: stinging, watering eyes and sneezing.

Put another way, the 'like cures like' principle states that any substance that causes symptoms to appear in a healthy person (the person chopping the onion), is able to deal with the same symptoms in a sick person (the person suffering with well known symptoms of stinging, watering eyes and sneezing). 

A homeopath near me

Think Homeopathy is run by registered homeopath Ann Grain (SDSHom) and is based in West Sussex. I operate across Sussex, South East England and online. Appointments are available face to face out of Horsham, West Sussex. Home appointments are also available if required.

I offer online homeopathy appointments anywhere in the world, in and out of hours - using Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, What's App etc.

I hope you find the Think Homeopathy website informative and that it enables you to research further into why and how homeopathy works. Please consider it when next making any health choices - this would also benefit the NHS as it struggles to meet the historical cut-backs and demands placed upon it.

My practice thrives thanks to referrals from satisfied clients. If you know someone who could benefit from homeopathy, please tell them about me. I offer a free, no obligation 15 minute session for anyone new to homeopathy.

I look forward to hearing from you.